Book Chapters

Scholarly Publication in Books (Chapters)

Gouthro, P.A. (2017). Creativity, the arts, and transformative learning. (pp. 1011-1026). In Milana, M., Webb, S., Holford. J., Waller, R. & Jarvis, P. (Eds) International Handbook on Adult and Lifelong Education and Learning. Palgrave MacMillan, UK.

Gouthro, P.A. (2015). Using biographical research to explore what really matters to fiction authors: Intersections between fiction and biography. (pp. 143-149). In Formenti, L. & West, L. (Eds) Stories that make a difference: Exploring the collective, social, and political potential or narratives in adult education research. Pensa Multimedia: Milano, Italy.

Gouthro, P.A. & Holloway, S.M. (2015) Feminism and Femininities: Learning About Gender and Women’s Leadership Through Fiction. (pp.245-256). In Clover, D., Butterwick, S. & Collins, L. (Eds). Women, Adult Education and Leadership in Canada. Toronto, ON: Canadian Scholar’s Press.

Gouthro, P.A. (2013). Neoliberalism, Lifelong Learning and the Homeplace. In Murphy, M. (Ed.), Social Theory and Education Research, Volume II. London: Sage.

Gouthro, P.A. (2011). Active and inclusive citizenship for women: Democratic considerations for fostering lifelong learning. In Merriam, S.B. & Grace, A.P. (Eds). The Jossey-Bass Reader in Contemporary Adult Education. San Francisco, California: Jossey-Bass.

Gouthro, P.A. (2010). Women, learning and equity: Recognizing non-linear life trajectories for women in political life and in higher education. In Jackson, S. (Ed). Innovations in Lifelong Learning: International perspectives on diversity, participation and vocational learning. London: Routledge.

Gouthro, P.A. (2009). Understanding women’s learning trajectories: Examining life histories of women learners in Canada. In Merrill, B. (Ed). Learning to change? The role of identity and learning careers in adult education. Frankfurt, Germany: Peter Lang.

Gouthro, P.A. (2007). Education for sale: At what cost? Lifelong learning and the marketplace. In Jarvis, P. (Ed). From adult education to the learning society: 21 years in the International Journal of Lifelong Education. London: Taylor & Francis.

Taber, N. & Gouthro, P.A. (2007). Women and adult education in Canadian society. In Fenwick, T., Nesbit, T. & Spencer, B. (Eds). Contexts of adult education: Canadian perspectives. Toronto, ON: Thompson.

Brigham, S. & Gouthro, P.A. (2006). Cross-cultural teaching and research in adult education. In Fenwick, T., Nesbit, T. & Spencer, B. (Eds). Contexts of adult education: Canadian perspectives. Toronto, ON: Thompson.